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Free dogs from a shelter or private offer or free give up a request for the desired dog. Have to give away a dog or a puppy or a dog needs to be rescued? Have you found a stray dog or your dog is on the loose? Register for free with a desired name.

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© Erik Lam - fotolia.com

Free dog sitter classified ads or requests give up. The ad, as well as the teaching and many other services are completely free of charge. Faster contact without hurdles. People who are looking for dog sitters, must register, not to make contact with each other. Because our services are free of...

© Sergey Nivens - fotolia.com

Fragen und Antworten der Community

Hello together, My dog always eats the dog poop from other dogs if I can recall him in time for dogs. While he is taking smaller pieces probably without chewing. Later everything must then back out...
Hi, mean July, a Jack Russell, barking whenever I meet other dogs to the dog park. I also already talked to others on the dog park and my July then allow to play with the other dogs on the playground...

Dog food - what you always wanted to know

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