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Dogs training

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The dog school, dogs learn different commands. The dog owner should at the same time learn to type these commands in a way for the dog to understand. It is possible to educate even difficult and even aggressive dogs and to learn correct interacting with dogs, so that even in difficult cases more living together can be of dog and owner.

The training can be performed in halls, outdoors or on dog places with different training subjects.

Find dog school

In principle, the self-designation as a dog training or dog trainer is subject to no regulatory or legal requirements. Anyone may call themselves so readily as a dog trainer or obedience school. In the Federal Republic of Germany, all people professional wishing to train for third dogs or guide the training of dogs by the pet owners, must catch up since August 1, 2014 a permit by the local veterinary services

Chamber of Commerce certificate - compact course for dog trainers

In cooperation with the IHK Potsdam, the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce Freiburg, southern upper Rhine offers the BHV compressed certificate course to the "dog educator and behaviour consultant Chamber of Commerce" , which specifically to dog trainers and behavior consultants aims, the work already in this profession.

This course consists of

  • a self-study 4-6 weeks before start of the course
  • a presence week with final exams
  • an vocational certificate validation

Entry requirements for participation

Proof of at least 2 years commercial activity as dog educator and/or behavior consultant through either

  • Business registration/permit or
  • Employees subject to social insurance, ratio in the industry

After passing the final exam to obtain the certificate of "Dog and behavior consultant Chamber of Commerce".
The Chamber of Commerce certificate "Dog educator and behaviour consultant Chamber of Commerce" is a degree recognized by the industry and Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Potsdam for many years. The training offer of the IHK Potsdam takes into account the requirements of the welfare and proper animal welfare education, attitude and training of dogs as well as conduct fair dealing between dogs and humans.


New permit requirement under the animal welfare act for the training of dogs

August 1, 2014, the newly introduced license requirements applies animal welfare act pursuant to section 11 for anyone who educates professional for third dogs or guides the training of dogs by the keepers. Also who intends to be active in the dog training needs a permit. Fall including in addition to the operators of classic dog schools

  • Dog behavioral therapists
  • Provider of puppy playtime, where the holders are guided
  • the training of guide dogs
  • the making of "Servicedogs"
  • other activities with dogs for a fee.

Behavioural activities of vets carried out within the framework of the free profession of "veterinarian/veterinary surgeon" in self-employment are not considered subject to a permit, as well as the implementation of dog licence courses of the State Veterinary Medical Association.

The FVO is responsible for issuing permission for your institution.

The application of § 11 permit are to submit the following documents:

  • filled out application form
  • police clearance,
  • Information from the central register of the commercial and
  • Plan of training and training facility, unless the activity is exercised not mobile


Who submits an application for the activity, must appoint a person responsible for animal welfare. This may, but need not be identical with the applicant. The person responsible for the animals and must be locally during the activity and time present.

The person in charge must be reliable. For this purpose, we need a police clearance and information from the commercial register. Both may be requested from the competent local town or city.

In addition, the responsible person must be knowledgeable. The competence can either be provided with a qualification (see I.) or with a three-part technical discussion at the local Veterinary Office (see II.). For admission to the technical discussion, technical knowledge and skills need to be proven.

Responsible person with qualifications

Certain qualifications are recognised as sufficient proof of competence so that no additional consultation on assessing the competence in Dachau Veterinary Office must be performed. These qualifications are:

  • "Lower Saxon dog trainer certification" the Veterinary Association of Lower Saxony
  • Certified dog trainers in the Veterinary Association of Schleswig-Holstein
  • Certificate "dog carers and behavior consultants Chamber of Commerce/BHV" of the Professional Association of dog carers and behavior beraterinnen e.V. and the IHK Potsdam
  • Approval as a veterinarian
  • Individuals who can demonstrate one of these qualifications and already operate dog schools or any other devices, may continue to use this activity and the permission grant.

Person in charge without qualification, but with professional skills and knowledge

The responsible person must demonstrate the required professional knowledge and skills. This documentation shall be provided, with appropriate vocational training or an occupational or other at least two years dealing with dogs can be allocated.

For example an at least two years working in a facility with dog training is considered as proof of the professional handling, service dog guide or dog trainer at police, Bundeswehr, or customs.

For the proof of an other approach comes as at least two years, successful activity in question. You need evidence of tests with own dogs as companion dog trials, hunting dog trials, rescue dog trials, sporting dog trials, written evidence by qualified third parties.

In this case, the veterinary services must verify the expertise in a technical discussion.

The consultation consists of a theoretical and a practical part.

The theoretical part consists of a "written" test (1A) to the PC (list of questions in the D.O.Q.-test PRO) and an oral exam (1B).

The practical part (2) and the oral examination take place in one day.

1A) is first with a written exam (technical question test on the PC, called "D.O.Q.-test PRO") check whether the necessary theoretical knowledge available. Test with a total of 50 questions runs 90 minutes and is available only online in the Internet available. The existence of this test is a prerequisite for participation in the oral and practical exam. To the existence of the online test, you must correctly answer more than 75 percent of all questions.

1B) during a second appointment, the oral examination (about 60 minutes). This must be answered questions from the questionnaire and analyzed pictures and videos.

(2) in connection to the oral exam are assessed the practical skills in a practical exam (60 min). You need to dog holder team, you are required to bring and assume the liability for you.

The oral (1B) and the practical examination (2) also an external expert participates in addition to an official veterinarian of the Veterinary Office of Dachau.

You fail one of the 3 parts of the exam, you can repeat the relevant exam after two months at the earliest.

To prepare for the oral exam 1 b) and on the practical exam 2) you can see the literature recommendations including the list of exam topics here. The list of questions without answers can be requested by dog trainers and trainers from the District of Dachau, Dachau Veterinary Office.

People whose full Sachkunde must still be tested in the context of the technical discussion and who already operate dog schools or other institutions, may continue to use this activity and the permission grant.

Person in charge o h n e qualification and o h n e professional knowledge and skills

The person that has none of the qualifications referred to in I. and cannot demonstrate the knowledge and skills required under II., must complete at least two years training or at least two years professional or purchase other dealing with dogs.

Then met the admission requirements for a technical discussion in the Veterinary Office of Dachau. If you already operate a dog school or other institution, you may no longer exercise this activity now.

The cost of the permit procedure are approx. € 600,00.

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Alles für den Hund von Amazon


Sunday, 19 May, 2019 - 20:52


Schleppleinen sind auch total praktisch, wenn man unterwegs fremde Hunde trifft und diese einfach frei auf den angrenzenden Wiesen spielen lassen möchte. Mit anderen Leinen geht das ja gar nicht. Mit Schleppleine können Hunde wild herumtollen, solange es nicht große Gruppen von Hunde sind. Auf Hundewiesen mit vielen herumtollenden Hunden bilden sich schnell kleine Gruppen von Hunden, die dann öfters auf die Schleppleine treten und das ist dann für den Hunde an der SChleppleine nicht mehr so toll. 

So hat jede Leine ihren Zweck. Wir haben eine 5 Meter Leine für die Gassistrecken und die Strecken zu den Hundefreunden. Die Schleppleine verwenden wir, wenn wir am Acker oder großen Feldern vorbeilaufen und unser Hund endlich wieder richtig Gas geben kann-

GLG Tara


Anzahl an Kommentaren: 4
Thursday, 2 November, 2017 - 22:18


Wir haben fast 2 Monate intensiv das Klicker Training mit unserem spanischen Mischling durchgezogen. Am Ende war er wirklich gut abrufbar, auch wenn er weiter weg war und es kleinere Ablenkungen gab.

Als Jagdhund ist der Instinkt auf der Strecke am Acker aber dann doch zu stark. Das wurde diesen spanische Rassen aber auch die letzten Generationen stark antrainiert, so dass ich mittlerweile einsehen musste, dass es einfach Verhaltensweisen gibt, die manche Hunderassen einfach nicht so gut erlernen werden wie andere.

Trotzdem hat unser Hund nach dem anfänglichen Erfolg im nächsten Sommer dann stark nachgelassen und es hat eine Weile gedauert bis wir den Grund rausgefunden haben. Unser Sohn hat heimlich ein spaßiges Klickertraining mit Hundeleckerlis gespielt. Danach war der Hund immer ein wenig verwirrt und wir ein wenig verärgert, so dass beides dazu geführt hat, dass wir den Klicker nicht mehr nutzen konnten.

Mittlerweile klappt es aber auch wieder besser ohne Klicker :)

Grüße Dion

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 10
Tuesday, 16 May, 2017 - 22:47


Einige Hundehalter verpassen einfach den besten Zeitpunkt zur Schulung des sicheren Rückrufes. Dabei darf der Hund zuvor frei und unkontrolliert durch die Gegend laufen. Dadurch wird die vom Hund selbstgewählte Distanz zum Menschen immer größer und damit die Erfolge beim Rückruf des Hundes immer geringer. Langsam, aber sicher wird der Hund immer mehr in seinem flaschen Verhalten bestätigt und das – traurige – Ende vom Lied ist ein Hund, der gar nicht mehr von der Leine gelassen werden kann. Das ist meiner Meinung nach der gösste Fehler und beste Ansatzpunkt, um den Hund zuverlässig zu sich herrufen zu können.

Grüße Tammo

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 7
Tuesday, 17 January, 2017 - 22:20

Hi Lasse,

ich finde das Klickertraining ist nicht unbedingt was für Anfänger. Ich hab am Anfang die Klicks nicht immer zum richtigen Zeitpunkt gegeben und auch oft als Belohnung für Betteln und anderes Verhalten, was ich eigentlich gar nicht belohnen wollte. Ich hab dann mich informiert und bei den Basics angefangen.

Übe einfach mal mit einem Leckerli in der Hand und halte deinem Hund 2 Arme ausgestreckt hin. Wenn er dann zur Hand ohne dem Leckerli geht, dann gibt dein Partner einen Klick ab und er kriegt sein Leckerli. So haben wir ihn auf das Klickgeräusch anstatt nur auf seine Sinne zu hören trainiert und das funktionierte ganz gut.

Wichtig ist wirklich nur das Verhalten mit dem Klick zu belohnen und nicht den gleichen Fehler wie wir zu machen. Denn wenn Du falsches Verhalten wie Betteln belohnst macht es das Ganze am Ende noch schlimmer :/

Grüße Ebonia


Anzahl an Kommentaren: 10
Saturday, 11 March, 2017 - 23:30

Moin moin

Klicker sind die besten Hundetrainer :) Keine andere Trainingshilfe hat so gut geholfen unserer Kleinen viele Kunststück beizubringen. Was vorher 50 Wiederholungen über Tage gebraucht hat bis sie ein Kunststück mit ner Menge Leckerlis gelernt hat, dauert jetzt nur noch halb so lang. Ausserdem braucht man nicht so viele Leckerlis, was ja auch nicht schlecht ist:)

Grüße Georg

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 10

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