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Protein and protein for the dog

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A dog needs protein or proteins in the focus for the regeneration of tissue and for maintaining the substance of the body. Proteins are made of amino acids of which the dog also can build the most. A dog through diet must include specific amino acids. Amino acids must therefore be included in sufficient quantity in the protein portion of the food. The value of protein source is calculated according to the proportions of the essential amino acids in the proteins: the more their relations are similar to those in the body of the dog, a source of protein is the higher. Dry food often contains a higher dose of protein.

Protein sources can be both plant and animal origin and animal protein sources can be processed as vegetable proteins usually higher quality and better.

Animal sources of protein


  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Chicken
  • Fish

Waste and by-products from slaughterhouses, kitchen and catering waste, intended for human consumption not more appropriate food of animal origin, raw milk, fresh fish or fresh fish by-products

  • Kitchen and catering waste, if not from cross-border traffic
  • Fish or other sea animals, and fish waste (except sea mammals)
  • Former animal foodstuffs, which are no longer intended from other, non-noxious consequences, for example packing defects, for human consumption
  • Parts, which are unfit for human consumption, which, however, show no signs of a communicable disease and which come from animals, which are fit for human consumption
  • Raw milk
  • Shells, hatchery by-products and cracked egg by-products originating from clinically normal animals
  • Hair, fur, horns etc of clinically normal animals
  • Animal waste from the food processing industry
  • Skins, hooves and horns, pig bristles and feathers of animals that have been slaughtered following an ante-mortem inspection in a slaughterhouse
  • overlaid meat
  • low-quality meat
  • Meat from animals under considerable stress levels
  • Blood of animals (from ruminants), which had been slaughtered after an investigation into a slaughterhouse
  • Animal parts and by-products, which are incurred in the production of for human consumption certain products and degreased bones and Greaves

Vegetable sources of protein

  • Corn gluten meal
  • Soy products
  • dried Brewer's yeast

Proteins are "digested" by them are split in their water-soluble constituents, this happens in the stomach intestine with the help of enzymes. The resulting amino acids are taken over by the intestinal villi into the blood stream and enter the liver. The liver is able to produce glucose from amino acids. Further metabolism of amino acids is produced as the final degradation product of urea that is excreted by the kidney.


The protein requirement of the adult dog is lower than that of the growing dog. This needs to build enough protein to his body protein, as protein primarily to build up endogenous protein is needed. Protein is one of the buildings of the cells, blood, muscle or organ cells. The somatic cells are located in a permanent Setup and breakdown, therefore it is important that adequate protein is provided by the food available. Although also amino acids are used, which are free in the dismantling of old cells, but they are not sufficient. Also, you must keep in mind that fats and carbohydrates will be supplied to the body not to low energy, because otherwise the protein not to build up the cells, but as a source of energy is used and therefore missing in the building.

Amino acids

Here, not only the amount plays a role, but also the quality and composition of amino acids. A quality score is the usability in their digestibility. What does us if we feed our dog much protein and he unverwertet passes it? An example anyone? Bones for example have only 33% utilizable protein, whereas fresh meat contains 98% utilizable protein. It is necessary not only on the content of eighth, but also how much can utilize our four-legged friends from it.

Protein requirements of the dog

Minimum requirement is high quality protein in the diet of the full-grown dog at an average 5 percent of the total amount of energy in food. So about 2 to 2, 5 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. The minimum requirement is the growing four-legged friends up to 11.5 per cent, because he needs to build so much body substance.

Special services increase the protein requirement of our dog, these include illness or Rekonvalenz, especially in pregnancy and lactation. The protein requirement of the dog is not improving but through work and sports, how often to read, but then it would be important to give more fat or carbohydrates, because they serve as an energy supplier.

Task of the protein

Protein is, however, not, as often assumed, required first and foremost to energy production, but is rather important for maintaining and building the body substance: to build tissue and body fluids, such as fur, claws, skin and organs. We lead to insufficient energy in the form of fat and carbohydrates, the body pulls the protein from the building unfortunately and is missing so the body. Proteins are composed of 16% nitrogen, which is used to produce endogenous amino acids in the liver. It is called sometimes the fact that the protein requirement represents a need for amino acids plus nitrogen.

Animal protein

Animal protein for our dog usually of greater nutritional value, but also high-quality vegetable protein is digestible for him. Depending on quality, the less we need to feed them, also the degradation of high-quality protein not so burdened the metabolism. Also how high the fat content, affects the protein requirement: the higher the fat content, the more protein, otherwise no nitrogen balance may occur. This is also important if we have to provide a sick or elderly dog.

What kind of meat is best?

One can say that actually so easy not always something is either too much or too little, when we feed on one side? I.e. only a particular meat variety, for example: only lean beef: uih, fine, beautiful expensive and very well used, but do not have enough fat and thus not enough essential fatty acids and also the Calium - phosphorus - ratio is not ok? So the safest way is a mix of different types of meat, so you reach a good balance. You should please note: never raw pork, because of the risk of transmission of the Aujeszkyschen disease (= deadly viral infection). If you want to boil the meat for safety, you can feed with the broth, so the nutrient loss is low. Muscle meat, head meat, poultry, ground beef, beef heart and liver are suitable (with the last two not particularly be given should, because they include the giblets and liver can contain many degradation substances e.g. as detoxification organ).

Milk and milk products

Milk contains all necessary amino acids in ideal composition. Unfortunately many but not very well tolerated they our adult dogs, because it contains also a high percentage of milk sugar. Many adult dogs is missing the corresponding enzymes in order to split the milk sugar, thus this is decomposed only in the colon by bacteria, which then leads to diarrhea. Quark, however, can be given very well, because the lactose to lactic acid is converted and all dogs can handle this very well. In principle, you can use all acidified milk products if the dog can withstand them. There are dogs that have no problems with the digestion of milk or milk products also in adulthood but also lots, this is really varies from dog to dog and therefore one can not in principle claim milk is not compatible for the adult dog. You must try this out because time, if you want to use milk feeding. Apparently it's that when the dog always got milk from small to be fed, he quite the enzyme (= lactase) further produced what he to the breakdown of milk sugar (= lactose) needs.


We provide raw egg yolk readily, however, the egg white is better always cooked. In the egg white, avidin is futile (= a glycoprotein: a complex of protein and carbohydrates) contain, which inhibits the absorption of biotin because it binds this in itself and therefore is not usable for the organism. The avidin is destroyed by cooking. There are also opinions, that is in the yolk so much biotin in there, still enough is left, what the dog can still exploit, if you want to feed the dog a whole raw egg. The feeding of the egg shell, we have also is a supplier of calcium.


Fish can be cooked or raw fed. Pacific - salmon should be avoided because it can be vectors of rickettsia (intermediate type of viruses and bacteria). For our dog all freshwater fish are e.g. eel, trout, salmon, carp, etc tolerated also we humans get along, so There are opinions that freshwater fish should be cooked better, because they contain an enzyme (Thiaminase), which vitamin B1 in your body can break down. The Thiaminase is made harmless by cooking, but also the vitamins are lost. Can be very good raw saltwater fish, however. You need fear because the bones with fresh fish not to have the bones in young fish are still very flexible and soft and not harm our dog. The salt water fish for example include saithe, cod, haddock, plaice, etc.

Vegetable protein carrier

Ideally a mix of 2/3 animal protein and 1/3 vegetable protein is. Soy protein is suitable very well here, because it is one of the high-quality plant. However, soy is often genetically modified, and is often one of the allergenic potential, so also here once test whether your dog can withstand it. It's a cheaper than animal protein and also it is better digestible for our dog, if he gets a mixture of the two, as so not too many toxins are formed, and so that the metabolism will be charged too much.

Causes of protein deficiency

For one if we set too feed protein ;-), but also even sufficient protein intake's can cause a protein deficiency, if certain other food ingredients are missing, e.g. then draws too little fat or carbohydrates, the body the protein energy used, and not to the structure of body substance. The dismantling of this protein is then to degradation products, which must put additional strain on the body and be detoxified. Other causes can be: diseases that bring an increased protein requirement with some dogs can properly digest the protein or to take just do not have enough food.
There are also often a deficiency of protein during the gestation and lactation, therefore you should feed quite special enough the mother dog at this time, to avoid subsequent damage of also the puppies.

What happens when a protein deficiency

Protein deficiency manifests itself in bad fur, skin infections, infectious diseases, diarrhoea and parasitic infestation because of the general condition of our dog altogether. With puppies you realize it usually it, that they are slow and without any temperament. Also shows a reduced growth in young dogs. The older dog, however, reveals a significant reduction of performance, he seems sluggish and apathetic. Females are usually not enough milk.

What happens when an excess of protein

We feed our dog too much protein the body converts this into fat and stores it in the repository. In addition, the excess nitrogen, which comes from the then non-essential amino acids, is converted in the liver in ammonia. This ammonia is in turn converted into urea and excreted by the kidney. As a result the kidney will be charged more with toxic degradation products, which can cause problems in a dog with kidney damage. Here it is particularly important on the quality of the protein source as higher quality protein too much load the Stoffwechesel and hence the degradation. Itching can be another sign of an overdose, this can be but also due to the type of protein source and must not necessarily be the amount of the protein. There are also dogs that react to too much protein in the diet with hyperactivity, whereby here again insisting come whether this constitutes the kind of protein, quantity, but also other causes has ;-)

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Alles für den Hund von Amazon


Monday, 11 December, 2017 - 22:47

Hallo zusammen,

Hundefutter vom Discounter ist nicht schlechter als das vom Fleischhändler, wenn man das richtige für seinen Hund aussucht bzw. wenn es überhaupt vom Discounter angeboten wird. Da ungefähr 50% eines Schlachttieres für den menschlichen Verzehr an die Fleischverarbeitung geht bleibt viel für andere Verarbetungszwecke wie die Tierfuttermitell Industrie übrig. Hirn, Magen,und andere Innereien werden für Hundefutter verwendet.

Das Fleisch wird meist getrocknet und als Fleischmehl für Hunde Trockenfutter vermahlen. Bei Fleischmehl kann zu erheblichen Qualitätsunterschieden kommen. Günstige Fleischmehle enthalten Fleisch von verschiedenen Tierarten. Hochwertigere Fleischmehle stammen von bestimmten Tierarten.

Wenn man darauf beim Discounter für Futter mit hohem Fleischanteil achtet, dann liegt ihr schon mal ganz gut. Ältere Hunde können das Standardfutter aus dem Discounter mit hohem Getreideanteil eh nicht mehr verwerten, da braucht man dann schon ein Seniorenfutter mit viel hochwertigem Fleischanteil.

Grüße Janosch

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 8
Friday, 30 October, 2015 - 13:06

Hi zusammen,

unser Hund frisst fasst jeden Tag Walnüsse, die er auf dem Gassi-Weg immer findet. Irgendwelche Rabenzucht Fans haben wohl das Bedürfnis ganz viele Nüsse auf den Strassen zu verteilen. Dabei denken die überhaupt nicht an die ganzen anderen Tiere fü die das vielleicht schädlich ist.

Ich halte meinen Hund auf jeden Fall immer fern von den Nüssen. Der kriegt seine ganzen Nährstoffe, die er braucht, schon über das Futter. Da brauche ich keine Futterverteiler im Viertel, die die Raben züchten wollen.

Allein die permanente hohe Zuführung von Phosphor soll für Hunde ja schädlich sein. Phosphor findet man vor allem im Weichgewebe.  Es ist für viele Stoffwechselvorgänge wichtig, aber zu viel ist schädlich ...


Anzahl an Kommentaren: 2
Thursday, 17 October, 2019 - 22:06


Futtermittel, die ohne Zugabe von Nahrungsergänzungmitteln gefüttert werden sollten alle notwendigen Nähr­stoffe enthalten, unter anderem Linolsäure für das Fell,  Leber, Haut, Aminosäuren für Herz und Muskeln, Kalzium und Phosphor für die Knochen plus alle notwendigen Vitamine, die der Körper täglich braucht. Ein durchschnittlicher Hund mit 20kg mit wenig Bewegung über den Tag braucht ca. 1000 Kalorien am Tag. Das sollte dann auch von den Futtermitteln der Discounter geboten werden.

Das Futter sollte also tierische Eiweiße aus Organen und Muskel­fleisch enthalten, Kalzium, Phosphor und Magnesium aus den Mineralstoffen, Eisen, Kupfer, Zink, Mangan, Kobalt, Jod und Selen aus den Spurenelementen, Linolsäure und Vitamine. Viele Discounter bieten Futter mit sehr hohem Getreide- oder Kohlenhydrateanteil an. Wenn man gutes Futter aus Muskelfleisch mit entsprechend ausreichend Anteilen an allen notwendigen bestandteilen haben will muss man sich die akktuellen Testberichte ansehen. Den Versprechungen der Verrpackungen kann man meist nicht trauen.

VG Marcent 

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 8
Thursday, 18 January, 2018 - 21:50

unser Senior mit 13 Jahren kriegt jetzt deutlich mehr Essensreste wie Nudeln oder Reis mit Felischresten und ganz wenig Gemüse. Das Hundefutter reicht ihm nicht oder er kann es nicht mehr richtig umsetzen. Selbst bei grossen Portionen hatte er nach ein paar Stunden schon wieder um Futter gefiept und gebettelt. Erst hat er mehr bekommen und dann haben wir mal anderes Futter ausprobiert. Hat alles nichts geholfen. Besser wurde es erst, als wir Essensreste dazu mischten. Richtig gut war es dann, als wir dann noch ein spezielles Senior Futter dazugaben, was er besser verwerten konnte.

GLG Nala

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 8
Saturday, 14 December, 2019 - 21:05


Na ich denke schon, dass Hundefutter vom Discounter deutlich schlechter als das vom Fleischhändler ist. Vor allem für ältere Hunde ist das Futter eher schlechter, denn da müsste der Fleischanteil deutlich höher sein und das macht das Hundefutter teuer. Auch wenn die Industrie hier billiges Fleisch aus Organen und Fleisch, das nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr geeignet ist verwendet, würde das Futer vom Discounter deutlich teuer sein.

Das Fleischmehl, welches in dem Discounterfutter zusammen mit viel Getreideresten zu kleinen Kugeln geformt wird, kann auch qualitativ extrem minderwertig bis geinigermassen ausreichend sein. Das kann man anhand der Verpackung oder dem Inhalt aber nicht erkennen.

Älteren Hunden gebe ich kein Futter vom Discounter.

Grüße Anthony

Anzahl an Kommentaren: 8

Dog food - what you always wanted to know

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